SiteCover keeps construction sites up and running in bad weather
SiteCover was used to cover up the construction site for the extension of Bispebjerg Hospital in Copenhagen. Using the tent system made it possible to keep the construction going even in bad weather.
The overall structure of the tent at Bispebjerg consists of 4 x 6 basic modules with the telescopic steel columns at facades and upper trusses on top of the internal edges of each module. The span of the structure for this site is 57.6 m x 86.4 m with no columns in between for support. The building's height is 29 meters from the ground to the top of the lower truss and additionally 6.90 m to the top of the roof (space frame structure). The sides of the tent are held up exclusively by columns with no bracing in order to make access to the construction site easier. The structure is designed for two 12.0 tonne overhead cranes, which are suspended from the bottom of the lower truss girders. The cranes' beam has a cantilever part of about 12.9 m at each end and can move from facade to facade in transverse direction.
KI has worked in a close collaboration with SiteCover during the development of the structural concepts and has participated in numerous other projects related to the potential use of this innovative concept.
Read more about the development of SiteCover.
The participants:
The steel structure was developed and designed in a close collaboration between SiteCover and KI.
Our role:
Structural design and verification of the steel structure in accordance with Eurocode 1993.
Image credit: SiteCover