New and easy monitoring for chimneys
The Chimney monitoring system (CMS) was designed for VL Stål A/S Chimneys with the purpose of giving their customers a complete wireless and autonomous monitoring system. A completely integrated system was developed, featuring a 24-bit data acquisition hardware, bi-axial accelerometers, temperature surveillance along with an advanced software system for continuous monitoring, signal processing, event alarm triggering and automated software update functionality.
By using the system, VL Stål’s costumers could monitor their chimneys, either through a personalized webpage or through a custom-made mobile application. In addition, the costumers could access structural drawings, maintenance and service reports etc. through the web-interface.
Our role
KI developed the CMS software.
Today at KI we offer our own user-friendly monitoring platform called Senmos, which can be used to monitor any kind of structure. Read more about our monitoring department.