300.000 tons of CO2 saved per year
Snetterton Renewable Energy Plant is a biomass-fired power plant in eastern England, which primarily will be fired with locally produced straw, and will have a capacity of 44.2 MW. The production will be equivalent to the energy consumption of 82,000 households and will result in a yearly CO2 reduction of 300,000 tons. The Snetterton plant is based on Danish energy technology, and the main part of the power plant is a boiler from the Danish company Burmeister & Wain Energy (BWE).
Steel structures and turbine foundation
Our role in the project was structural design of the steel superstructure for all main buildings of the power plant as well as the structural design of the steam turbine foundation. The design of the turbine foundation included a complete vibration analysis to verify that the dynamic loads originating from the mechanical equipment (steam turbine, gearbox and the generator) does not exceed the limits set forward by the equipment manufacturer.
The participants:
The Snetterton Renewable Energy Plant was developed by the leading British renewable energy company Eco2 and built by Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor A/S (BWSC) and PensionDanmark. KI was hired as subcontractor by Rambøll Denmark.