The first Umeus-dormitory
Umeus is a new dormitory-concept developed by real estate investor NREP and real estate development company Tetris. The building placed between DR Byen and ITU in Ørestad Nord was the first in a series of dormitories to be built in several parts of Copenhagen. Here the students get their own furnished room with shower and toilet as well as a large number of common facilities such as reading room and laundry. The dorm accommodates 337 rooms on 7 floors in addition to a café and other common rooms on the ground floor.
Great freedom and high demands for our concrete specialists
The Umeus dormitory is a concrete element building and KI was responsible for the detailed design of the elements. Special about this project is, that the concrete facade elements were delivered with integrated facade including bricks and windows. The production is highly automated, which enables both very precise and beautiful elements and allows for great variation and freedom of shape in the geometry of the elements. This method means both exciting possibilities, but also high demands for innovation and precision from the engineers. The beautiful facade elements are a crucial part of the dorm, where each room is designed with a large, wide-frame window with room to sit. The building has more than 180 unique concrete elements, which our concrete department, in collaboration with CN3, was tasked with optimizing and systematizing.
First-movers within concrete calculations
KI's concrete department works closely with our sister company Optum CE, which at the time had just released the first edition of their innovative concrete calculation program Optum Concrete Solutions (OPTUM CS), which was developed in collaboration with the Danish concrete element association. OPTUM CS makes it possible to make calculations for concrete buildings in a completely new way, since one of the program's features is the ability to include facades with large openings in the overall building stability. KI are among the first companies to use Optum CE's latest software, which means we can optimize our clients' projects both financially and environmentally without compromising on design and safety.
KI was responsible for the detail design of the concrete facade elements in collaboration with CN3. Rasmus Friis A/S as EPC contractor, Henning Larsen as architects and Sweco as consulting engineers. The concrete elements are produced by the Dutch company Byldis.

Preliminary visualization of a dorm room -
credit Henning Larsen Architects