Xellia Pharmaceuticals is a pharmaceutical company focused on providing important anti-infective treatments against serious and often life-threatening infections. In 2018, their production facilities on Dalslandsgade in Copenhagen were expanded with a new extension, on which KI was the civil engineering designer.
High requirements for planning
The new extension was built as an independent construction adjacent to an existing building, which was to be in production throughout the construction period, with the exception of short shutdown periods. This had great significance for the construction phase, as the requirements for both vibrations and cleanliness were very high.
Construction dictated by complicated content
The extension has a floor plan of 335 m2 or 36 x 9.2 m and a height of 12 m, containing production facilities (clean room class C/D) and technical rooms on the ground floor, as well as technical floors above to supply the production facilities. The building also has external steel stairs: one on the west side and one on the east side.
The structure consists of a steel frame with façade panels and a concrete substructure. The floor separations were made in cast concrete, which, together with the steel beams, achieved a composite effect. Each floor was designed specifically for the equipment it was supposed to contain.
Production equipment for medical production places high demands on the building in which it is placed, and at KI we take pride in thoroughly understanding the customer's needs and issues in order to achieve the best result and adapt the structure exactly to the equipment and production.