Two new diesel power plants
Zouk and Jiyeh are two diesel power plants in Beirut, Lebanon. The project involved the structural steel design of the power house structure at Zouk and electrical annex buildings at both Zouk and Jiyeh, including steel detailing and complete seismic design. The power plants are located in an earthquake zone. Additional tasks involved steel and concrete design review and steel fabrication inspection prior to shipment of the first steel profiles.
The participants
Both power plants are contracted to a consortium of BWSC and MAN Diesel & Turbo with Rambøll and KI as consulting engineers.
Our role
KI was hired by Rambøll Denmark to assist on the design and supply of structural steel for the two new power plants.
Photo credit: BWSC.
The Zouk power plant finished and under construction.
Photos from the construction site.
3D model of the steel structure.