Krøyers plads wallpaper engineering office

Housewarming at the new office

Sandra Myrtue News

Monday september 18th we officially moved to our new office after growing out of the old one. The new place has plenty of room for both Krabbenhøft & Ingolfsson as well as our two sister companies Norhem and OptumCE. Last Friday we celebrated our move with a housewarming reception with an impressive turnout.

All interior design was handlet in-house; including wall placement, furniture and material choices.

We are almost completely unpacked, and we are already loving our new bright and spacious workplace.

Several walls in the office display photos from our projects. Shown here in the wardrobe is the Zouk diesel power plant in Lebanon. Are kitchen shows a sunny day at Krøyers Plads here in Copenhagen and our new meeting room features the T-pylon.