Jonas Christoffersen Robert Soltys Einar Ingolfsson

Welcome to Jonas and Robert

Sandra Myrtue News

KI welcomes 2 new experienced profiles

At KI, we believe that the best solutions arise when skilled experts come together and challenge habitual thinking. Therefore, we are proud to welcome Jonas Christoffersen and Robert Soltys, who share our passion for high professionalism, collaboration and development. Both come with strong competencies and a deep understanding of their field, which will contribute to our projects and our approach to consulting – in the KI way.

Jonas Christoffersen has spent the last few years in leading roles at Sweco and NCC and has a keen eye for both building design and business operations. As Project Manager at KI, he will help us keep the big picture, optimize our QMS, and ensure that we deliver projects with the highest quality and for the benefit of both customers and colleagues. Jonas knows KI from previous collaborations and has great respect for the professionalism and commitment he experienced at the time. “In reality, KI sells the ability to collaborate more than hours. When KI delivers a project, the goal is always that all parties are happy: customer, company and employees,” he says. We look forward to seeing Jonas contribute with his extensive experience and knowledge of quality management and project management.

Robert Soltys holds a Ph.D. from the Technical University of Kosice in Slovakia and has since conducted research at Aarhus University. He has started in our monitoring department, where he will initially work on the CorroSense project. With his experience in FEM simulations, Robert will ensure that the CorroSense sensor provides accurate and reliable data for measuring corrosion in concrete, without the need for an external power supply. His broad knowledge of both construction and electronics makes him an ideal match for us. Robert says that the open and curious culture he has experienced at KI has already made an impression: “Both the office and the colleagues are fantastic, and it was the best start to be able to join a study trip to Barcelona.”

At KI, we are driven by a strong engineering spirit and the joy of creating something of high quality. We know that Jonas and Robert will strengthen our team and bring new perspectives to our projects. Together, we look forward to taking on even more exciting challenges and delivering value-driven consultancy that moves vision to reality.

Welcome to the team, Jonas and Robert!