In 2016 we have taken on new projects and completed old ones. We have said goodbye to some amazing people and greeted new ones. We have visited engineering projects both around Denmark and in the UK and Iceland. All in all it has been a great and eventful year for Krabbenhøft & Ingolfsson. We wanted to share some photos from our year passed and at the same give you our warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a very happy new year.
We said hello to our three new engineers Nuno, Kristian and Predrag, but also several new consultants and partners, whom we have greatly benefited from having in the office.
We visited the Great Belt Bridge (Storebæltsbroen) – from the very top of the pylons to the very bottom of the anchor blocks and got a tour of Give Stålspær and all their exciting machinery. Read about our trip to Jutland.
We finished lots of new projects this year. Among a few of them them are Herlev Hospital, phase 2 of sensors and software for the Great Belt Bridge and a couple of projects for Sitecover. The design for the footbridge “Landgangen” in Esbjerg and the Tomahawk power pylon were also completed this year – the bridge is currently being build in Esbjerg.
We took a great study trip to the UK to visit the T-Pylon, Snetterton renewable energy plant, Allied Insulators, the Tomahawk and Goodwin Steel Castings. Read about our UK-trip.
We added a new sister-company to our corporate group: Norhem. The company builds architect-drawn steel houses in high quality at affordable prices. One of the houses is under construction right now in Jyllinge here in Denmark.
This year has been exciting and with all we have in store for 2017, we are certain, it will be at least as interesting.